Treatment Brief
Osteoarthritis in knee joint is common problem of population. Knee joint capsule is going to be affected with advancing of age. Knee pain is common symptom with reducing joint space in knee pain. When patient consult his clinician with complain of knee pain, clinician advise him few exercise & pain killer medicine. Initially pain subside with this medication but after certain stage, pain will not respond to this medication.
At this stage clinician advise to patient about joint replacement surgery. Many patients are not willing for surgery & in many cases knee joint osteoarthritis is not so much advanced that they need immediate surgery. Many patients are not fit for this surgery.
If complain of knee pain can be removed from these patients than they can continue with their natural knee joint for long time. There are few technique which removes pain from knee joint.One theory is that pain signals arises due to underlying slow inflammatory process in knee joint.
Inflammation leads to hypervascularity & this hypervascularity leads to stimulation of sensory nerves for pain. If any method able to slow down this inflammatory process than pain also reduces. GENICULAR ARTERY EMBOLIZATION is new advanced method which reduces hypervascularity & reduces pain.


Recovery from embolization is much faster than surgery because there is no incision to heal or stitches to be removed. The risk of bleeding and complications is lower than with invasive surgery.Patients who undergo GAE have reported significant reductions in pain scores and use of pain medications, and significant increases in function scores. These improvements were sustained for several months from just one treatment.